I've drawn up four simple goals for 2010 for IdRatherBeHere:
1. TV Show Pitch
This weekend I wrote an 8 page first draft of a treatment for a TV show about South Jersey. Possible title(s) are "SoJo" or "The Hometown Heroes." The premise of the show is a guy who moves back to SoJo from the city and tries to acclamate amongst the cast of characters down there. I have a wealth of stories, characters and ideas for this. I have mapped out 10 episodes and love how easily the writing comes for this.
2. Short Film Festival
The short film we are shooting in February called *The Mustache* may act as a pilot or a preview to be used in concert with the Treatment in a TV show pitch. BUT, we want to see this shown in at least a few film fests. We think we have a good shot.
3. Wawapalooza 4
Also planning Wawapalooza 4. This year should be the best yet, as we've brought in some experienced, new blood to add to show's content. I'm also looking to make the show more diverse by adding modern dance, stand-up and even artwork, in addition to the short films and sketches. I've got about 12 scripts in the bag so far. And, I'd like to start using musicians' songs for transitions and pre-show.
4. Give birth to one full-lenght script
My final goal for 2010 is to just complete a long play and have it produced in some way, even if it's just a reading. The main idea is to get done a 60-70 page play. It is very difficult for me as I get bored easily so I gravitate towards shorter pieces. I have 2-3 plays that I can expand, just need to stick to it.