October was supposed to be nothing more than me lying on the couch all weekend slothed out watching football and napping. I've done some of that but all the sudden my schedule is pretty full with readings, performances, meetings and the national film challenge.
I've also been motivated to write a few pieces, including a longer play called "Three Dicks from Austin" about Lance Armstrong, Andy Roddick and Matthew McConneghey trying to solve a mystery. Also, working on "Middle Class Hero" a monologue about a guy giving Commencement address to Stockton State U about the benefits of just being mediocre. And, "Testosteroned" about a guy at a Bachelor Party who ODs on testosterone and gets a little too crazy. And I'm doing some prelim research for a possible documentary on the infamous Eagles Court. I'm endlessly fascinated by insane Eagles fans, what can i say...