Thursday, October 1, 2009

What else to name a blog?

This is the first post of the blog i am calling "Disgusting Self-Indulgence," which is the best thing I could think of to name a blog. I don't even pretend that anyone will read this or care about what I have to say, but I do enjoy writing, so I guess it's more for my benefit in the end- which brings us back to the natural title for the blog.

So anyway, the third Wawapalooza came and went with a bang. Many months of writing, editing, planning, coordinating, picking up props and stressing over schedules are over. It's always bittersweet. But, I'm working on doing nothing from now thru then end of October. I did submit a longer play I wrote to a workshop conference called PlayPenn and I do plan on submitting the Whole Foods video to two short film fest.. but other than small stuff like that, I'm hanging in, eating, watching college football and not worrying about anything for a change...

1 comment:

  1. I would very much like to meet augustus milligan. he is very much
